High-resolution connected car data is an enriched source for capturing traffic data. Receive highly accurate, quality data, to cost-effectively improve transportation networks. Data, based on time stamped locations and speeds from moving vehicles, eliminates the need for physical sensors in most use-cases.


Analysis of individual trajectories, including complete routes and exact speeds, for full-picture analysis of driving patterns.


Coverage of 95% of roads in the U.S., including rural roads, with more than 11 million active vehicles.

Increased Accuracy

Data precision of under 3 meters, 95% of the time, with the ability to send data from cars to customers in under 32 seconds.


Intersection Analysis

Intersection analysis metrics aid in signal timing projects and the collection of automated traffic signal performance measures.

Metrics include:

• Control and Stopped Delay

• Arrival on Green Percentage

• Split Failure Percentage

• Turning Movement Proportions

• Level of Service

Corridor Analysis

Corridor analysis metrics can provide valuable, accurate data for individual vehicle trajectories.

Metrics include:

• Travel Time Data

• Time-Space Diagram

• Speed Data

• Heatmap

• Number of Stops

Origin-Destination Analysis

Origin-destination metrics can provide in-depth, highly accurate data for individual vehicle trajectories, including full and partial trip data.

Metrics include:

• Trip List

• Origin-Destination Matrix

• Speed and Travel Time Data between Zones

Road Safety Analysis

Road safety metrics can provide specific, granular data that can be used to determine hotspot locations for potential safety concerns.

Metrics include: 

• Harsh Brakes 

• Harsh Accelerations

• Speed Limit Violations


How Much Data is Enough?

Get the minimum sample size you need for estimating traffic metrics.